Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sunol Regional Park

Originally uploaded by maisnon
It probably seems like an odd photo to post about a hike, but cows were a big feature of our hike on Saturday. (And yes, there was a lot of watching where we stepped!)

We headed out to Sunol Regional Park in the East Bay for our 4.5 hour hike. (I don't know why, but every time I type the number of hours for the weekly hike .... the theme song to Gilligan's Island comes wafting into my head!)

I was a little anxious about this hike as I have missed a little over a week of training with my trip to New Orleans. And I was slow. Super slow, even. I've accepted that I am, for whatever reason, a slow hiker. This is the most time I spend outside and I really wan to soak it up. And I like taking a lot of photographs. These factors certainly don't help!

I decided to stick with the slow slow people and had a great hike! The weather started off cold, but in typical Bay Area-styles, warmed up nicely. Just after snapping this photo, we saw a coyote waaay up the hill chasing something ( a rabbit?) over the ridge.

As always, I feel that trekking poles were a REALLY smart purchase. I've started experimenting with what I can eat on the trail. I always had problems during marathons (and training) because my stomach likes to freak out. But, I'm finding at the slower pace, it can tolerate a lot more. Right now, PB&J is working really well as trail food!

This weekend we are down in Pacifica!

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