Friday, March 14, 2008

3 the Hard Way

.... or the Trekking Pole Progress Report.

I kept my promise to myself and practiced with my trekking poles during my workouts during the week. Here's what I've learned:

  • Experiment with the length of the poles. On fairly flat surfaces, I like them a little shorter than recommended. It just feels more natural
  • They're not kidding about lengthening them on downhill portions! You can really feel your abs kick in to support you!
  • Rubber tips - while absolutely wonderful for practicing in an urban environment - are an epic fail when trying to learn how to use trekking poles in uphill situations. Basically, as you try to angle the pole into the hill, the rubber tip keeps bouncing, you get no traction, you are frustrated (and you look ridiculous.)
I'm taking my poles to my team hike tomorrow: Marin Headlands!

... the title of the post is from this song. (Um, language warning.)

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